It’s all net! Park County scores a big win with Community Closet’s fundraiser to purchase newly required basketball shot clocks for all high schools in the County. Concerned about the significant expense to High Schools in Livingston, Gardiner, Clyde Park, and Wilsall, Community Closet CEO and founder Caron Cooper decided to rally the community to fund the clocks.
The effort began with a $2,000 bequest left by Community Closet regular Dink Bruce. The initial goal was to raise $10,000 for all high schools in Park County. Since the beginning of February, dozens of individuals donations have been made at basketball donation jars at Community Closet and Curated Closet stores, on a Facebook fundraiser, and were boosted by crucial matching funds from Livingston Ace Hardware, Bruce Lay, First Interstate Bank, Livingston Tourism Business Improvement District, Mark Pesa, and Printing for Less. By March Madness, $11,000 had been raised. “We are thrilled that so many individuals and businesses pitched in to help the Community Closet reach our goal to fund the new mandatory high school basketball shot clocks. We are so thankful to be part of the Park County community that shows its generous support to our thrift stores on a daily basis as well as these special community projects,” said Community Closet Board President Janene Molebash.
However, as the high schools did more research, it became clear that the costs were going to be higher than initially estimated. Two school districts needed two courts covered, doubling those clock expenses. This week, Kenyon-Noble stepped up with a $5,000 donation to make sure all courts could be covered. “One of Kenyon Noble’s most critical pillars has always been to reinvest in our communities by supporting activities that enrich the lives of others. This project is a great example of how we can help our community, and Park County High School High youth, with a project that they will benefit from for years to come,” a Kenyon Noble spokesperson said.
Community Closet is thrilled to announce that a total of $17,000 has now been raised for basketball shot clock expenses at five courts; two in Livingston, two in Shields Valley, and one in Gardiner with an extra $1,000 budgeted for contingencies with installation. “Having so many individuals and businesses from Park County come together as a team to achieve our goal and meet this community need is truly inspiring,” said Cooper.
The newly required high school basketball shot clocks count down as teams take a required basketball shot within 35 seconds of gaining control of the ball, instead of just passing during that time, which boosts games' action and is more like college and professional basketball rules. This will help Montana kids be better prepared to compete at any level, and maybe even be future National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) March Madness players.
A huge thank you to all the many people who gave at the basketball donation jars at Community Closet and Curated Closet, through the Facebook fundraiser, dropped off or mailed generous checks, and to business leaders in our community. Community Closet is a nonprofit organization that donates profits from sales at their stores to Park County charitable and community organizations, and have donated over $600,000 since 2005.

Photo to Left: Caron Cooper with checks from Bruce Lay of Maverick Realty, Ryan Anderson of First Interstate Bank, Mark Pesa of Guardian Title. Photo to Right: Caron Cooper and Kenyon Noble Livingston Store Manager, Bernie DelValle